Advice from newcomers like you
Starting a new life in a new country isn't easy. But advice from people who were in the same shoes as you might make it a little bit easier.

“Take time to understand the financial system, whether that means taking a course, creating and sticking to a budget and utilizing any tools that your bank provides, especially with regards to credit scores and being patient with yourself.”
- Jelagat, moved to Canada in 2003.
“Each day is going to be a lesson, stay open to learning. I looked forward to embracing this wonderful country of Canada, the opportunities it presents, and make my parents proud.”
- Danish, moved to Canada in 2013.

“You’re at the beginning of your life, you’re going to feel overwhelmed and make mistakes. Everyone falls down when learning to walk for the first time. Have courage, it’s how you take control of your life. And it’s okay to rely on those around you for help. That’s the beauty of interdependence, we need each other.”
- Sofi, moved to Canada in 2021.
“Dream big. Canada is a country that provides big opportunities for personal as well as career growth. There is respect for each and every individual. The country is highly diverse with multiple cultures.”
- Aruna, moved to Canada in 2005.

“Cook or find your comfort foods. Food can take you back to somewhere safe and comforting. As an immigrant and son to immigrant parents, I’ve always felt like I was caught in-between two cultures. Not quite Canadian, not quite Chinese. During the pandemic, I reconnected with my dad and my Cantonese culture a bit by learning to cook. A lot of foods immediately gave me warmth.”
- Brian, moved to Canada in 1993.
“Embrace the unknown as an adventure. Be open-minded & curious to learn about Canada and its culture. Make conversation with everyone you meet.”
- Janny, moved to Canada in 1989.

“Be kind to yourself as moving to a new country takes a lot of courage. The transition won’t be perfect, but it does get better with each passing year.”
- Parul.
“Cold winters were tough, but also brought so many good memories, like my first time skiing and snow tubing.”
- Flora.

“Ask more questions and really understand all your financial options. I wish I had started building credit and a stronger relationship with my bank earlier.”
- Neil.
“Don't think that people will judge you because you look different or have an accent. You are unique the way you are. Everything will fall in place gradually.”
- Aaina.

“Trust in the move you made and enjoy the freedom to be who you want to be. Joining a community made my transition easier and friends became family.”
- Karen.
“When I moved here, I felt like life gave me another chance to try something new that I’ve always wanted to. I wanted to begin my career with something that I wouldn’t just like as a job, but love as a passion.”
- Taru.

“It's a new culture, new society, new everything — but be excited to face the new.”
- Gurjeet.
“Build your credit in Canada as early as possible. Even a credit card with a small limit helps.”
- Ivy.