Scotiabank Index Powered GIC
Historical Performance(Formerly Scotia Canadian Stock-Indexed GIC)
The table below provides actual returns for previously matured issues of the Scotiabank Index Powered GIC from 2008-present, for information purposes only.
Check the Daily Closing Index Values here.
Please note that past performance is not a guarantee of future performance and may not be repeated.
Actual Returns, Previously Matured Issues
2008 - Present
Scotiabank Index Powered GIC
Issue Dates after January 12, 2009
The Actual Return Paid applies to the full term - it is not an annual rate.
The Participation Rate is the rate at which the GIC issue amount (the principal amount initially invested plus any interim interest earned until the issue date) will participate in the performance of the S&P/TSX60 Index. It is not an annual rate or rate of return. There is no guaranteed rate of return.
The Maximum Return Available is the total maximum return potentially available over the full term of the GIC. It is not an annual rate or rate of return. Actual return may be lower. There is no guaranteed rate of return.