Payments Help 
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For general information about payments, see About Payments.
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To add a bill payment company to your payee list:
  1. Click Bill Payments.

  3. On the Bill Payments page, click View Payees.

  5. On the Payee List page, click Search For Bill Payment Companies.

  7. On the Bill Payment Companies Search Results page, select the category of the bill payment company you want to add to your list.

  9. On the Add Bill Payment Company page, enter the following information:
    • Select the specific company to which payments will be made.

    • In the Billing Number field, enter your account number with the bill payment company.

    • Select Save to add this bill payment company to your Pay Many list.

  10. Click Preview Payee.

  12. On the Preview Payee page, review the information you entered. To:

    • Add the bill payment company to your list, click Submit Payee

    • Change a field, click Edit Payee

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To change bill payment information:
  1. Click Bill Payments.

  3. On the Payments page, click View Bill Payment Companies.

  5. On the Payees List page, click the bill payment company you want to change.

  7. On the Edit Personal Payee or the Edit Standard Payee page, change information as appropriate.

  9. Click Preview Payee.

  11. On the Preview Payee page, review the changes you made. To:

    • Accept the changes, click Submit Payee

    • Change a field, click Edit Payee

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To change a bill payment:
  1. Click Bill Payments.

  3. On the Bill Payments page, click the Payee field for a scheduled payment.

  5. On the Edit Bill Payment page, change information as appropriate. If this is a recurring payment, the change will effect the entire series.

  7. Click Preview Payment.

  9. On the Preview Payment page, review the changes you made. To:
    • Accept the changes, click Submit Payment

    • Change a field, click Edit Payment

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To create a payment:
  1. Click Payments.

  3. On the Payments page, click Create Payment.

  5. On the Create Payment page, enter or select the following information:

    • In the Pay To field, select the payee to which you want to make the payment.

    • In the Pay From field, select the account from which you want to make the payment.

    • In the Amount field, enter the amount of the payment.

    • In the Payment Date field, enter the date the payment will be sent.

    • In the Frequency field, select One Time Only.

  7. Click Preview Payment.

  9. On the Preview Payment page, review the information you have entered. To:
    • Change a field, click Edit Payment

    • Create the payment, click Submit Payment

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To create a recurring payment:
  1. Click Payments.

  3. On the Payments page, click Create Payment.

  5. On the Create Payment page, enter or select the following information:

    • In the Pay To field, select the payee to which you want to make the payment.

    • In the Pay From field, select the account from which you want to make the payment.

    • In the Amount field, enter the amount of each payment.

    • In the Memo field, enter any memo information you want to associate with the payment.

    • In the Payment Date field, enter the date of the payment.

    • In the Frequency field, select the frequency for the recurring payment.

    • In the Complete Payments or Continue until further notice field, indicate whether to make the payment a specific number of times or continue making the payment until further notice.

  7. Click Preview Payment.

  9. On the Preview Payment page, review the information you have entered. To:
    • Change a field, click Edit Payment

    • Create the payment, click Submit Payment

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To delete a payee:
  1. Click Bill Payments.

  3. On the Bill Payments page, click View Payees.

  5. On the Payee List page, click the bill payment company you want to delete.

  7. On the Edit Bill Payment Company page, click Delete Payee.

  9. On the Preview Delete Payee page, click Delete Payee again. If the deleted payee is associated with a scheduled payment, the payment will still be processed. If you don't want the payment to be made, you must delete the payment.

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To delete a bill payment:
  1. Click Bill Payments.

  3. On the Bill Payments page, click the Bill Payment Company field for the payment you want to delete.

  5. On the Edit Payment page, click Delete Payment. If this is a recurring payment, you will delete the entire series. If you wish to continue with the rest of the payments in that series, you will need to create a new recurring payment.

  7. On the Delete Payment page, review the payment information to make sure you want to delete this payment, and click Delete Payment.

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To make multiple bill payments:
  1. Click Bill Payments.

  3. On the Bill Payments page, click Pay Many.

  5. On the Pay Many List page, select the account from which all bill payments will be made.

  7. For each payee you want to send a bill payment to, enter the following information:

    • In the Bill Payment Date field, enter the date on which you want the bill payment to be sent. This date can be different for different payees.

    • In the Amount field, enter the amount of the bill payment.

  9. Click Preview Bill Payments.

  11. On the Preview Bill Payments page, review the information you have entered. To:

    • Change a field, click Edit Bill Payments

    • Create the payment, click Submit Bill Payments

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To view all payees:
  1. Click Payments.

  3. On the Payments page, click View Payees. The Payee List page displays all your payees.

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To view all payments:
  1. Click Payments.

  3. On the Payments page, click the Payee field for a scheduled, disallowed, in-progress, or completed payment for which you want to view details.

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Common Questions
  • When can I change or delete payments?
  • Can I make a payment to a payee who is not on the standard payee list?
  • Can I make multiple payments from a single account?
  • How are recurring payments processed?
  • I don't see the payee I need. How can I find a payee?
  • What determines the date range for which I can view payments?
  • What happens if I set up a recurring payment for the last day of the month, but that day is on a weekend or a bank holiday?
  • What happens if the payment date I enter is on a weekend or a bank holiday?
  • When is my payment sent to the payee?
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