US Dollar VISA Business Card

SVBC Resource Centre

We are pleased to announce that the Scotiabank VISA Business Card (SVBC) program will now include US Dollar denominated (USD) cards.

The US dollar card program is ideally suited for Canadian businesses with US operations or with frequent and/or large purchases in US dollars. By keeping USD purchases on a USD card, businesses will save the cost of foreign exchange fees on their USD purchases. While the new USD card will not include the cash back rewards program offered with the Canadian dollar card program, the foreign exchange savings are the real financial benefit to businesses with significant USD purchases.

Like the Canadian dollar program, the US dollar card will also provide your business with purchasing convenience, spending control, reduced administrative functions and increased efficiency.

The USD Scotiabank VISA Business Card annual card fees are as follows:

  • Silver $75 US
  • Gold $105 US

Please visit your branch if you would like to add US dollar cards to your SVBC program, or speak with your Scotiabank representative for more information.

When applying for US dollar cards, please be advised that you will also require a US dollar Business Account, as your card fees and monthly payments will be directly debited from this account.