Accounts Help
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Common Questions
  • All I see are my account names and balances; where can I find the check or deposit information?
  • Can anyone else see my account information?
  • How current is the account information?
  • My accounts are missing from the account subtype; what happened?
  • What can I do to make sure my financial information stays secure?
  • What if I open an account after I start online banking?
  • What if my records indicate a different balance?
  • When I download account information, what information is included?
For general information about about displaying accounts, see About Accounts.
All I see are my account numbers and balances; where can I find the check or deposit information?
To see your account activity, click the link for the account you want to view. The Activity page lists the transactions for the account.
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Can anyone else see my account information?
No. Your account information remains safe; only joint account holders have access to account information.
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How current is the account information?
Account information reflects the latest data we have processed and includes a balance date. For accounts that may have several balances, a balance description is provided.
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My accounts are missing from the account subtype list; what happened?
Your accounts are listed on the Balances page under account subtypes. Examples of account subtypes are Checking, Savings, or Credit. Your specific accounts for the subtype can be hidden if you accidentally click the Rollup button at the right margin of the subtype name. Click the button to hide the accounts in the subtype; click the button again to show the accounts in the subtype.
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What can I do to make sure my financial information stays secure?
You can help safeguard your information with the following practices:
  • Protect your password. Your password is the only way to get access into your account, so keep it secure.

  • Do not leave your computer unattended with your personal banking session open. While there is an automatic timed log out if there is no activity, your information will be more secure if you exit your online banking before leaving your PC.

  • Click Exit when you are finished with your online banking rather than just closing your browser, or going to another web page. Use the Exit button to make sure someone else can not access your information after you leave. If there has been no activity for a few minutes, you will be automatically logged out, but it is better practice to exit the session first.

  • Do not put sensitive account-related information in regular e-mail. E-Mail is not secure. Unlike e-mail, the Messages area of Personal Banking is a secure channel. If you have an account-related issue, create a message within the Messages area of Personal Banking.

  • Upgrade your computer to keep your virus protection software up to date.

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What if I open an account after I start online banking?
When you open a new account, it will be available online.
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What if my records indicate a different balance?
We define and calculate the balance. We provide balance descriptions and show the balance date. Remember that your accounts could have checks or transactions outstanding. Balances are updated at regular processing intervals. Contact us for an exact processing schedule.
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When I download the account information, what information is included?
You can download account information to your computer in csv format. The download includes transaction details similar to those shown on the View Transaction page, including a description, date cleared, date initiated, amount, the account the transaction is from, and transaction identifier. The download dates are listed on the Download page.
If the download process is interrupted, there is a chance that transactions processing during the interruption were not successful. Check your records to verify that all transactions within the dates specified in the download were received.
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How To...
  • Download account transactions
  • Give an account a nickname
  • Search for a transaction
  • See account activity
  • Sort account balance details
Other Information