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About Preferences

Use preferences to set reminders, change your password or contact information, change the default language, and to tailor how your accounts are displayed.


Setting Reminders

You can set up reminders to notify you of conditions or events. Create a reminder to display at a date you specify, for example, to remind yourself of an appointment or event.


Changing Your Password

We provide you with a unique login ID and password. Your login ID and password are verified each time you log in before you are allowed to access your accounts. We recommend that you change your password periodically for added security. It is best to memorize your password and not reveal it to anyone. Keep your password secure. Do not write it in your chequebook or attach it to your computer.


Setting Account Preferences

You can give any of your accounts a nickname to make them easier to identify while you bank online (nicknames will not apply to Telephone Banking, Branch, or ABM channels). The nickname displays on your personal banking pages. It does not change the name in our records that we use to reference the account. When you specify a nickname, it is used until you change the name again from the Account Preferences page.


Changing Your Contact Information

Your contact information is what we use to contact you by mail, telephone, fax, or e-mail. Make sure the information is correct and update it promptly when you have changes.


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