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Common Questions
  • On a stop payment request, how do I know when the check is stopped?
  • What does the confirmation number mean on a stop payment request?
  • What if I enter the wrong check number on a stop payment request?
For general information about services, see About Services.
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On a stop payment request, how do I know when the check is stopped?
There are time-related conditions that must be met before a payment can be stopped. If you have questions about processing conditions for a stop payment request, contact us.
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What does the confirmation number mean on the stop payment request?
The confirmation number is a tracking number for you and us. It supplies a record of the request. The confirmation number does not indicate that the payment has been stopped. There are conditions for stopping a check. If you have questions about a stop payment request, contact us.
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What if I enter the wrong check number on a stop payment request?
Provide as many details as possible with your stop payment request. This will help us catch inconsistencies or possible errors. If you receive a confirmation number for a request that you discover is incorrect, contact us immediately to see what actions are available to you.
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