
Residents’ salaries are negotiated by the residency associations and are determined by two things: their postgraduate year and the province they’re working in.

For instance, if you’re in the second year of a training program (PGY-2) in Ontario, your salary is the same as that of every other PGY-2 resident in that province. Note that in all provinces, if you switch residency programs, or do multiple residency programs, you may go back to being paid at the PGY-1 level at the start of your new program.

While all the residents in a single year make the same amount no matter where they live in the province, their income after expenses could be vastly different. Those in urban areas may have higher living expenses such as rent, transportation and grocery costs compared with those in more remote areas.

Residents’ gross salary for 2023

Below, we show the annual and monthly gross salaries of residents for all years of training. You can find details in the collective agreements of each province (click on the links below). Note that the base salary does not include call stipends, which you will need to submit to get paid for. Call stipends are also taxable upon receipt.

Gross salary is the amount before you pay any tax, employment insurance (EI) and Canada Pension Plan/Quebec Pension Plan (CPP/QPP) premiums.

Annual Salary and Monthly Income for Residents

We can help you achieve your financial goals

Depending on your residency year and province, you are paying thousands of dollars a year in federal and provincial taxes, EI and CPP/QPP.

Your goal should be to get as much of the tax money back as possible by claiming all the deductions and credits that you’re eligible for. Residents are often eligible for tax credits on tuition and exam fees.

Even if you are certain your income will increase in a few years, starting a savings plan while in residency can help you to prepare for the transition to practice. You’ll be better equipped to make financial decisions once you begin to practice, and you can adjust your investments and savings proportionally as your earnings grow.

For more information or financial solutions, contact us today.