Why I Give Stories

Learn why giving back is important to Brooke Robinson 

Brooke Robinson 

Branch Manager

I give because I am very passionate about being an active participant in my community. I was taught to give my time and financially when able not only from my parents but also my grandparents and watched them lead by example.  I have lived a very privileged life, as do my children and I believe it is our responsibility to role model for those around us to ask questions, learn from others and give support to all that we can.

In my house that can mean reading social justice children's books at bedtime or talking about these topics at the supper table. When we have the opportunity to volunteer as a family we all jump in and have a blast spending time together for a community group. My family can often be found all dressed in a specific colour to support one of the many days of awareness throughout the year. One of my proudest times was when my spouse hit his challenge goal for Movember and walked around with half a beard, half clean shaven face for a week. He was quite the sight and made a great impact.

As a proud member of our Pride Atlantic ERG, I am excited to be supporting The Youth Project. They support the Gay Straight Alliances/Gender and Sexuality Alliances(GSA). A GSA is a youth led school group that works to make schools safer for LGBT youth. GSAs are for students of all sexual orientations and gender identities and are a great way to meet friends, create a safe place within the school, and work to make schools safer.

As in past years I will also be supporting the United Way Halifax. I appreciate how the United Way gives back to so many community groups within my community.

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