Dual Rate Investment Account

Operate your business and save surplus funds – all with a single account.

Product benefits

  • Earn premium interest on the stable1 portion of the balance above $1,000,000
  • High interest2 earning potential
  • Invest up to $20,000,000
  • Offers full liquidity and operating account functionality
  • Receive interest on the fluctuating portion of the balance
  • Bank quickly and conveniently online

Account details

View interest rates3, balance limits, currency and more.

Account Features & Rates
Currency CAD
Minimum balance  $50,000                                                       
Maximum account balance $20,000,000
Monthly fee                                                                            


No monthly fee with a balance of $8,000 or more 

Stable Balance* Interest Rates4 (effective February 01, 2025)
$1,000,000 - $20,000,000 2.50%
$50,000 - $999,999 2.40%
Fluctuating Balance4 1.05%

The stable portion of your balance that is defined as the lowest end of day balance over the current Investment Period. The rate is applied to the entire Investment Balance within the highest applicable tier.

If your balance exceeds $20,000,000 we’ll help you choose an investment that’s better suited for your business.

Related services

Cashable GIC

A safe, secure investment that you can cash out anytime

Redeemable GIC

Provides liquidity and can be redeemed before maturity.

Non-Redeemable GIC

Earn more interest when you lock in your funds in this guaranteed investment.

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