Manage your money digitally

Learn how to deposit cheques, set up 2 step verification, pay your bills, and change or reset your password from your smartphone, tablet, or computer.

Bank easier with digital banking

Online banking couple

Discover online banking

Find out how you can securely manage your everyday banking from your laptop or computer.

Activate online banking

Learn more about online banking

Woman who is mobile banking

Discover mobile banking

Even when you are on the move, the Scotia mobile app keeps you connected to your money.

Activate mobile banking

Learn more about mobile banking

banking icon

Step-by-step guides for everyday banking

Change or reset your password

Sign up for 2-step verification (2SV) 

Learn how to pay a bill using your computer, tablet, smartphone, an ABM, or TeleScotia

Safe and accessible banking for all of our customers

More resources for your everyday banking needs.

Security Icon

Cybersecurity Awareness Month

Scams happen more often than you think. See how Scotiabank protects you, and how you can protect yourself.

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Inclusive banking

Our digital banking is designed with your ability, context, and situation in mind. Barrier-free banking means making mobile and online banking accessible for people with a range of sight, mobility, hearing, and cognitive needs.

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Resources for seniors

We’re committed to helping our senior citizens bank safely and confidently. Our Seniors Resource Centre includes information to help you manage your money and make good financial decisions for your future.

Watch as Holly Pontisso from Scotiabank walks you through online banking for beginners

watch video:  What is Digital Banking?

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with an optional subtitle

What is digital banking?

watch video:  How easy in Digital banking?

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with an optional subtitle

How easy is digital banking?

Frequently asked questions

Other ways to bank with Scotia