- Colombia: Economic activity grows more than expected in July
On Wednesday, September 18th, DANE published data on the Economic Activity Indicator (ISE) for July. The indicator stood at 3.7% y/y (chart 1), exceeding the 2% expected by the market and showing positive variations in the nine activities. In marginal terms, economic activity showed a positive performance compared to June’s performance, when the economy grew 2.5% m/m (chart 2).

Economic activity performed better than expected, but again, it was concentrated in a few activities. Public administration activities, health, and leisure were those that showed the greatest growth with an expansion of 7.7% y/y and 8.9% m/m, after having shown falls in June; leisure activities was the main contributor to the overall activity as during July there were many traditional celebrations that took place which coincides with gambling activity around a huge number of sports events.
Agriculture was the second activity with the greatest expansion (+7.5% y/y and +6.4% m/m), reflecting that the harvest boom is not stopping, contrary to what was evident in June when activity fell -0.6% y/y. However, the lack of rain has lasted longer than expected, which could have some adverse effects on the production of agricultural products for the rest of the year. Professional activities, communications, and trade were the only activities to show an expansion below 1%, and in marginal terms, trade was the only activity to register a fall (-0.4% m/m).
Although the results may suggest that BanRep will not be in a hurry to accelerate the easing cycle, we continue to think that there are more points in favour of a 75bps cut. The problems with economic growth are structural, the lack of investment continues to weigh on industry and construction, and the high cost of borrowing continues to pressure consumption. At the September 30th meeting, we expect the rate to fall from 10.75% to 10%, with inflation and international financial conditions being the main factors supporting the acceleration in the pace of cuts.
- The primary sector is having a good run. In July, agricultural and mining activities grew 7.5% year over year, with coffee and bananas being the best-performing products. According to July exports, coffee exports grew 27.3% year over year, and bananas 33.9% year over year. Fruit and rice also complement the better picture for the sector. In terms of livestock, the activity is also expanding. When it comes to mining, coal is in a contraction mode due to lower domestic demand (chart 3).

- Secondary activities grew 1.5% y/y. The expansion of manufacturing and construction can be associated with a greater number of business days in July 2024 compared to July 2023, which contributes to the good dynamics of the industry. Meanwhile, construction could have a positive performance associated with civil construction, since the housing sector continues to have a weak performance.
- The services sector continues to be supported by growth in public administration, leisure, and health activities. In annual terms, all service activities showed positive variations, with public administration standing out (+7.7% y/y), financial activities (+2.6% y/y), and public services (+2.3% y/y). In marginal terms, trade was the only activity to fall, with a variation of -0.4% m/m. In the case of the public sector, payment of bonuses in some entities is leading the behaviour; in the leisure sector, gambling activity contributes the most, while in the case of health, the current context in which the government intervenes with some health services providers is imposing the demand for private health services.
—Jackeline Piraján & Daniela Silva
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