There have been many words and turns of phrase used to describe the challenges we currently face: unprecedented, uncertain, uncharted. I won’t try to add a new descriptor to what is a rapidly growing list. I will however say this: in the face of very real adversity, I couldn’t be prouder of the way that Scotiabankers have responded, even as they are understandably focused on their own families and communities. 

In particular, our advisors in our branches, Contact Centres and our operations teams deserve our profound thanks for providing our customers with the critical banking services they need. Last week, our Contact Centres in Canada received close to 80,000 calls per day, with calls to our mortgage and loan teams up 500%. Our people are doing a tremendous job serving our customers and we will continue to do what is necessary to keep them healthy and safe. 

Our customers deserve our thanks as well. They have been patient and understanding as our employees have diligently and courageously worked to support them during this evolving situation. We have had numerous reports from our teams of customers who have responded to this stressful situation with kindness – we are grateful. 

Difficult times bring out the best in people, and I am very proud of the way that Scotiabankers have stood by our customers. We know the road ahead will be challenging, but you can rest assured that we will be here for you as we move forward. 

We are in this together. And we will get through this together. 

Brian Porter
President & CEO