Funding Guidelines and Application
Funding guidelines
Scotiabank will consider funding for:
- Organizations that are either registered charities or non-profit organizations in their jurisdictions
- Organizations that operate in countries where Scotiabank does business
- Organizations with a sustained record of achievement
- Programs that have measurable impact
Scotiabank does not fund:
- Individuals and/or individual pursuits
- Service/Private clubs and organizations (unless it is a Registered Charity, and the program is open to everyone)
- Sports teams (unless funding is pursuant to a Scotiabank local support program)
- Religious organizations unless the program being funded:
- is open to all, regardless of faith, race, or sexual orientation
- will not incorporate religious teachings or participation in religious services/rites
- Political organizations, including political parties, campaigns, advocacy or lobby groups
- Private foundations and corporate foundations
- Private schools (private, charter or independent, fee-based schools), and public pre-schools, elementary or secondary schools
- Individual member agencies of federated appeals (e.g. United Way) unless not otherwise supported by Scotiabank’s annual fundraising campaign or corporate commitment
- Charitable Organizations with which Scotiabank is already in a pledge position
Your application must include:
- A brief description of the organization, including goals and achievements
- A full description of the project for which you are requesting funding, including budget, expected outcome, benefits to end users, defined metrics and recognition plan
- Complete list of Board of Directors, Executive Management and Campaign Cabinet if applicable
- Current financial statements
Our review process:
- Applications are reviewed throughout the year
- Requests will be assessed based on your strategic alignment to our focus areas, employee engagement opportunities, financial health, governance and intended social impact
- Depending on the funding requested, review may include regional as well as national committee review
- Please allow at least 90 days for a response
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