Right Size Savings for business

Earn up to 3.15% interest for 6 months6 when you open a new account. Grow your savings with our simple and convenient savings account.

Product benefits

  • No monthly account maintenance fee1
  • Unlimited FREE Canadian Dollar self-service transfers3
  • Earn a higher interest rate as your balance grows
  • Higher interest for higher balances2
  • Bank quickly and conveniently online
  • Withdraw funds anytime

Product details

Account Features & Rates
Currency CAD
Minimum balance to earn interest      $10,000                                                       
Maximum account balance $2,000,000
Progressive Tiers ($ CDN Amount)4 Applicable Interest Rate5 (p.a.)
$2,000,001.00 & over 0.00%
$1,000,000 - $2,000,000 2.15%
$200,000 - $999,999 2.10%
$100,000 - $199,999 1.75%
$1 - $99,999 1.50%

† Interest earned will be the sum of corresponding interest earned for each tier.

For funds exceeding $2,000,000, speak to your advisor about other investment options better suited for your business. 

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Non-Redeemable GIC

Earn more interest when you lock in your funds in this guaranteed investment.

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