Climate Change Centre of Excellence 

Climate change is one of the most pressing issues of our time. This website aims to contribute to the global dialogue, and to help build a better world for every future.

Becoming a net-zero bank by 2050

Scotiabank’s $10-million Net-Zero Research Fund distributes $1 million each year to support the efforts of registered charities and non-profit organizations that are leading decarbonization efforts in key sectors in countries across Scotiabank’s geographic footprint.

The 2024 Call for Grant Submissions is now closed.

Recipients of the 2024 Grants will be announced and posted in the Fall, 2024. 

If you want to be on the Net-Zero Research Fund email list, please let us know at

Net-Zero Research Fund

Download our ESG report 

Learn how Scotiabank is working to build a more sustainable future for our stakeholders, our country and the world.