Auto loans

Are you looking for car financing options? Scotiabank Auto Loans can help you bridge the step between you and your upcoming car purchase.

For the best rates

Visit your dealership and ask for Scotiabank financing.

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Scotiabank is the #1 choice for vehicle financing in Canada1

Get up to $200,000 for your next vehicle.2


  • Buy a new vehicle or one that’s up to 7 years old

  • Take up to 8 years (96 months) to pay back your loan

  • Pick a fixed or variable rate3

  • Customize your payments the way you want

Get the best deal at your dealership

It’s the ideal way to stay on budget

  • Ask for Scotiabank financing at over 4,000 dealerships across Canada.
  • Scotiabank is the #1 choice when financing at the dealership.1

Enjoy flexible payment options

  • Tell us how you want to pay: Pick a weekly, bi-weekly or monthly payment plan.
  • Change how much you pay*, how often, or even what days you make a payment.
  • Pre-pay or pay off your loan at any time without a penalty.


Manage your loan online anywhere, anytime

  • Find out how much is left on your loan and when your next payment is due.
  • Make an extra payment or boost your payment amount.
  • Change your payment days or frequency.
  • Use your loan account number to activate online access.

Take a payment break

  • Need a little breathing room? You can postpone one payment each year that you have the loan.

Drive with confidence when you have Scotia Loan Protection 

Get financial support for your auto loan if the unexpected happens

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At the dealership

Visit your dealer and ask for Scotiabank financing.

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Still have questions?

Call us.
