Scotia Households

Bring family together under one profile to provide holistic advice and solutions

Scotia Households is a new feature that allows customers to bring together family members. Being part of a Scotia Household allows the bank to offer holistic advice and solutions to help household members achieve their financial goals. Members may live at different addresses, have different last names, or may not be directly related. 

It's important to note that all accounts are private, and members will never have access to each other's confidential information.

To create a Scotia Household:

1. Open the Scotia mobile app

Open the Scotia mobile app on your mobile device (if you don’t have the app, visit the App Store or Google Play to download)

2. Find Scotia Households

Select More on your home screen, then Profile and settings, then Households

3. Create a Scotia Household

Share your unique code with family members so they can join your Scotia Household 

Create a Scotia Household

Learn how to create a Scotia Household. Being part of a Household allows the bank to offer holistic advice and solutions to assist you in achieving your financial goals.

Frequently asked questions

Manage your Household finances better with Advice+

Investing for your future is important and so is your everyday, so we offer financial advice that's easy to understand, informative, and tailored to you and your household. We'll help build a plan that finds the right balance to fit your life.


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