Credit bureau reports

We're pleased to offer the convenience of links to Equifax Canada

Your credit rating is like a financial report card, which creditors use when assessing your credit-worthiness. Many Canadians don't realize they can and should regularly review their own credit report; to correct outdated or inaccurate information, to understand why they may have been declined credit, or to protect their information from identity theft.

Know what's on your credit report

Your credit report includes personal information about you, as well as details about your credit products and payment history. Information about past bankruptcy, judgements, tax liens and other items will also be included, if applicable. Learn moreopens in a new tab about what's in your credit report.

Request your credit report

Scotiabank is pleased to offer the convenience of links to Equifax Canada, a recognized leader in the consumer and commercial credit reporting and information services industry.

Available options for requesting your confidential credit report:

For more information

Credit education centre

Don't know much about credit reports? Equifax has the information to help you learn more.

Correcting credit report inaccuracies

If you notice an error on your Equifax credit report, you can ask Equifax to correct it at no charge. Learn more at 

Ask Equifax

Equifax's customer service group is available to answer any questions you may have about your credit report.
