Is that high-pressure email or text really from your bank? Learn how to spot financial scams early and keep your money safe.

Plan for your financial future
As your financial needs evolve, let us provide you with advice and tips for staying in control of your financial future.
Learn more about programs and services for seniors from the Government of Canada.
Learn about Power of Attorney and Joint Deposit accounts.
Here are some helpful articles to get you started:
Learn how a Registered Retirement Income Fund works and why it’s one of the best options available for retired investors.
Learn about the latest techniques being used to take advantage of older adults, such as deepfakes and AI-enabled spam calls.
What to do if someone posing as the Canada Revenue Agency contacts you.
Learn how you can navigate this tricky – but important – conversation with your parents about their finances.
With home improvement scams on the rise in Canada, renovations can come with risks. Learn how to spot the red flags and prevent home improvement scams.